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JSPWiki v2.2.28
Katzengold Talent

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Autor: The Wanderers Way

Fool's Gold
Step: Rank + Willpower Step
Action: Yes
Requires Karma: No Strain: 1
The Fool's Gold talent allows the Mountebank to create visual and aromatic illusions on top ofother objects. The illusions may be no larger than the size of a troll, they can only have visual, taste, and smell components, and they must conform to the shape of the items they are enveloping. The Mountebank makes a Fool's Gold Test and the result is the Difficulty Number to see through the illusion. To maintain an illusion created with the Fool's Gold talent, the Mountebank must have a line ofsight to the illusion. Un-maintained illusions will fade after a number of minutes equal to the Mountebank's step in Fool's Gold. Illusions created by Fool's Gold cannot directly cause damage, although their effects may indirectly be quite harmful (making a rotted rope appear whole, changing the words of a contract, or causing a rock to look like a nugget of gold).

This particular version was published on 17-Jun-2013 22:14:41 CEST by

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