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We are dragons, the first and most ancient Name-givers, the only ones to Name ourselves. Ours is a heritage of magic, power, and prestige, but it is also a heavy burden of responsibility and guilt-- yes, guilt for what we in our 'wisdom' allowed to happen. In our pride and arrogance, we forever changed the fate of the world. That is a fact. We cannot change what is done, we can only change what happens next.” – Mountainshadow, the Far Scholar This is The Book of Dragons for the Earthdawn Role Playing Game. Inside, the Great Dragons of Barsaive are detailed, as well as other influential adult dragons. The Book of Dragons contains all the rules necessary for including dragons, in all their might and majesty, as well as dragon-like creatures in your Earthdawn campaign. Finally, the The Book of Dragons’ adventure frameworks can immediately involve your campaign in the affairs of dragons.
Earthdawn (R) ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der FASA Corporation. Barsaive (TM) ist ein Warenzeichen der FASA Corporation. Copyright (c) 2015 by FASA Corporation. Copyright der deutschen Ausgabe (c) 2015 by Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems. www.ulisses-spiele.de. Diese Webseite unterliegt keiner Abnahme oder Genehmigung durch Ulisses Spiele oder FASA.